This is a true story. (p. 3)
When I was 12 years old, my father bought me this book. The hero of this book name is Shan Darren, so it is the same as the name of the author. He is not good boy, he is very bad boy. He is a liar and thief. When Steve who is his best friend was bitten by a poisonous spider, he was afraid of exposing his error, he kept quiet about the matter. He is the child whom there seems to be really anywhere because I I was drawn into a story. He became a vampire for helping his best friend Steve, but Steve had a grudge to Darren because he wants to become a vampire. I think that he is so unfortunate but this story is good.

Shan, Darren. (2001). Cirque du Freak. Boston: Little, Brown.
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